Counseling for Adults


All the providers at Avenues of Counseling are specially trained to work with adults struggling with a number of different mental health concerns.  There are compassionate and experienced Clinicians in both the Medina and Akron locations who can offer treatment to meet your needs.

Adulthood can be overwhelming at times. Not only are we constantly juggling our own things, we often have a lot of people who depend on us.  It is important to make your own health and well-being a priority. When you start to feel as if you cannot handle what life has thrown at you, remember that counseling can help set you right again.

Concerns You May Seek Counseling For:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Work/Life Stressors

  • Grief

  • Parenting

  • Anger Management

  • Relationship Issues



For more resources about adult mental health, check out:

Mental Health America