Recognizing ADHD in Teens
There is a typical profile of that ADHD looks like, from childhood through adulthood. Depending on the age, however, each age group can show their symptoms in some very specific ways. It is important to understand how ADHD can present in each developmental stage. The sooner a concern is identified, the better.
Signs of ADHD in Teens
Here is a checklist of ADHD symptoms for teens. If your teen meets four or more criteria, it might be a good idea to seek a professional evaluation for ADHD. One of the main symptoms of ADHD in children, hyperactivity, greatly drops off by the time one reaches adolescence. Outward hyperactivity is sometimes replaced by more of an “internal” feeling of hyperactivity; this has been described as “restlessness” or feeling like you have to be doing something all the time.
Has trouble getting organized and setting priorities
Has a tough time getting started on homework and other assigned tasks
“Spaces out” when listening to someone or doing assigned reading
Often needs to re-read information or ask people to repeat what they’ve said because it doesn’t stick the first time
Has trouble staying focused
Often gets sidetracked from tasks, unless they are doing something that is especially interesting to them
Often rushes through assignments or produces messy work with lots of errors
Often seems to be working well below their potential in school or on homework
Has trouble remembering information when it’s needed
Struggles to recall facts during tests, when they studied and seemed to know the night before
Has trouble remembering day-to-day things
Often forgets to write down assignments or keep track of stuff
Often acts/speaks impulsively
The symptoms of ADHD can be very challenging for a teen to deal with and, left untreated, may continue to cause problems into adulthood. If you suspect that your teen has ADHD, reach out to the Intake team at Avenues of Counseling and Mediation to connect with a specialist in the area. ADHD counselors practice at both the Medina and Akron, Ohio location.