Creating New Rhythms in Your Life

By Kathaleen Stevenson, M.S.Ed, LPCC-S

Creating new rhythms in this season of change, at first, surfaces in its mild form as discontent, and in its intense form as frustration. These emotions are information and call forth a response and recognition. If we delay we may react with negativity when we need delicate and mindful. Humans are abounding with resiliency when we give ourselves the chance to express our creativity. This is the time to create out of what feels, like a weight of helplessness. However, we can transform it into empowerment.

For example here is what we can do when feeling out of sync:

  • Be Aware- Stay aware of the simplicity of every day. The smiles of our loved ones, the goofy and funny insight of our kids, the songs of nature, the glories of sunrise and sunset, the scents of new spring life, our own breathe unchecked by the hurry and tyranny of the rush of life responsibility.

  • Explore- Be mindful of the new sensations that unrushed time can allow. Be an unstructured explorer of your world indulging in taste, vision, smell, sound, and touch. This sense grounding allows the mind to rest and to take a break. This exploration is intentional. It is physical, not a mental exercise.

  • Embrace Love- Love in all its generous applications. Enfold yourself and others in the gifts of words, thoughtful deeds, and meditations of our place in the hearts of others and our Heavenly Father. Ephesians 4 says ” Rather let our lives express truth in all things speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly enfolded in love.”

    This moment in time can be a gift to embrace. It is not always comfortable but it can be joyous.

Nicki Masters